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December 4, 2024

Christmas Trees

Christmas tree blog post seven bays holidays

Christmas trees…

This is a very rare personal appeal from myself – Jane, the owner of the Seven Bays Holidays website regarding the tradition of Christmas Trees… We all want to try and do all we can to help the planet and while I appreciate a decorated Christmas tree is utterly beautiful, it is also very detrimental to our climate and environment. 

There are so many other viable options now that can satisfy even the hardiest Christmas fan, including hiring your Christmas tree

Fake trees have also come on in leaps and bounds and can look stunning when decorated, plus they can be used time and time again, helping to reduce landfill.

If you do still choose a real tree, consider a potted tree. It can continue to grow all year outside and brought in and reused every year while it grows with you and your family.

Another option when the big day is over is to take your tree to one of the many local Beach Guardian events who do an incredible job of planting in the sand dunes which goes some way to help minimising the damage. 

All I ask is that you consider other options, Thank you xx

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